
Maiden Flight

I was finally able to make the maiden flight of my 600NSP a few days ago. After rechecking everything, it seems that my problem was a glow ignition issue after all. I noticed that the contact of the black wire of the 2in1 wasn'nt good enough on the engine mount screw. I removed it and fixed it on another scre and now the current that goes through the glow plug during igition is better.

So I now have done 4 flights with original settings. (needle 1.75 turn out). The heli flies really well. I get a lot of smoke and everything went just fine so far. On my next flight, I will start to lean the needle a few clicks to begin the final tuning of the engine.

There was a weird vibration during my first flights, but I think it is because it was windy out there. In fact, it's been very windy here in the last days. I am now waiting for a calm day to go out agin and see how it goes without any wind.

So, the maiden flight is now done and I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to fly her for real and do some loops and stuff, but I am a patient guy with my helicopters and I don't want to rush anything.

My new toolbox

Now that I have a bigger heli, I needed a bigger toolbox to carry all the tools and parts.

So I bought a myself a brand new plastic toolbox and I fixed some padding inside to be able to carry my DX7 safely.

Here are a few pics of my new helicopter toolbox:


Not a good start

Today, I was finally ready for my maiden on my 600 nsp. I was planning on runnign 2-3 tanks to get started with the breakin of the engine, but it dint went as expected.. the engine never actually even started!

Everything was checked at least twice during the build and seems to be alright, but the engine just didnt start :

My needle was 2 turns out minus a few clicks (supposed to be the correct setting for breakin) and my throttle idle is per finless video. When starting, fuel was going through the carburator, but just no explosion. The fuel clip was open and after a while, I removed the glowplug to see a lot of fuel in the piston, maybe too much. I ran the starter for a while with the fuel unplugged and the glowplug revoved to clean it out and retried, but still no luck. I also tried with a manual glow igniter instead of the 2in1 and still no luck. I tried the glow igniter directly on the glow plug in my hands and the plug goes red, so it works.

At the end, after recleaning everything to make sure there wasnt too much fuel inside, I tried to start it with the glow igniter on and the fuel clip closed. It ran for about 2-3 seconds and died, which seems to indicate a flooded engine earlier.. this is weird.

I will give it one more try this weekend...


Hello from San Francisco!

Just wanted to say a little hello while I'm in San Francisco. I'm here for a computer convention called JavaOne. The convention is pretty cool, but I miss my girlfriend a lot... and my helicopters :)

My 600NSP is almost ready for it's maiden 3000 miles away from here, so I can't wait to get back and finally lift her up!

I'm coming home tomorrow, so the maiden flight should be really soon.