
Repaired blade

There's nothing like knowing something is wrong to begin to worry about it. Sometimes it's better off not knowing!

Since I noticed the chip on one of the main blades of my 600, I started to worry about it. Many people adviced me not to fly this particular blade and a lot also told me that a helicopter blade just can't be repaired, but I couldn't help it and I gave it a shot anyway.

I cleaned it very thoroughly and I filled the hole with some epoxy. After it was dry, I sanded it and polished it with my dremel tool and some compound. Here is a little before/after:

I admit it's not pretty but it looks good and feels very good. I'm very confident that repaired this way, the blade is almost as good as it was at first. I may have lost some performance, but probably not that much and certainly not anything that I could notice.

So even after doing the repair, it took me a long time to decide myselft if I would fly it again or not, but I finally made my mind and decided to go for it. After all, I repair things all the time and I never hesitate to use it when I'm confident in my repair.

So after rebalancing the blades and making sure one more tme that everything was fine, I gave it a shot. I actually had 4 flights with this blade today and it flew just right! On the first flight, I only hovered it from a safe distance and landed it many times to check the blade and everything looked fine everytime. I then flew the heli for real and did my usual routine.

So even if I must admit I'm still not 100% confident in those blades, I decided I will keep it as a spare set and I will continue to fly it while I'm waiting for the new blades I ordered.

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